For me drawing is inherently linked to dance. Both art forms are driven by movement, intent, and energy. As dancers, we leave behind intangible trails; my drawings strive to capture these fleeting residues as visible marks. This process is in constant motion, with no definitive end—every dance and every mark are unique, creating a beautiful, ongoing conversation. This dynamic landscape is my creative playground.
Mixed media drawings on paper
I am fascinated by the collision of movement and drawing, and the biomorphism art movement's connection to turn-of-the-century spiritualism. Inspired by Hilma af Klint's work, I explore themes of otherworldliness and deep connections to a greater source.
My daily art practice involves wandering in paddocks, dancing with trees, filming this process and using these movements as inspiration for mark making in my studio. These intuitive drawings may seem like random squiggles at first, but hidden forms emerge as I work with them. Using an eraser, charcoal, or burnt driftwood, I transform these marks into drawings that convey both simplicity and odd biomorphic forms.
I hope my drawings retain the essence of the dance that created them while also speaking to something ineffable and profound.
Anatomy of a wave
Mixed media drawings on paper
Living near the ocean, I swim often and frequently find myself overwhelmed by waves. This experience perfectly mirrors the emotional state of being swamped and overpowered by a force larger than oneself. This analogy resonated deeply with me during a period of psychological overwhelm following my move from the city to a large rural property. My life felt turned inside out and upside down, and my senses were overloaded with a flood of new information.
I explored these ideas in this series of drawing studies. I became intrigued by the connection between the rib cage, which contains our breath, and the structure of a wave, a constantly shifting frame that holds the raw power of the ocean.
I wanted to capture the movement,
the surge, the overwhelm,
my ribs sucking in air
before the next wave hits.
And the bird said
Mixed media drawings on paper
Digital animation of drawings
I am a licensed wildlife rescuer and rehabilitator with F.A.W.N.A and am surrounded by birds, both here on my property and rescues that directly come into my care. They are my passion and creative muse and represent a glimmer of the numinous. They are embedded directly and intuitively into the majority of my recent work.